Private Pickleball Courts Could Face Ban in Upscale Marin Town

Private pickleball courts may be the next target in the ongoing noise war, and Ross, CA, could be leading the charge. The affluent Marin County town is mulling a ban on private courts due to the sport’s incessant noise, which reaches twice the volume of tennis. With public complaints already stacking up across the country, this may signal a broader trend. As pickleball’s popularity grows, so do the conflicts with non-players, potentially setting the stage for stricter court regulations nationwide.

Ross’s Town Council is considering sound-mitigation measures like quieter paddles and balls before courts even exist within the town. While noise complaints have surfaced on public courts nationwide, the push for regulating private courts is new territory. If Ross implements restrictions, they may inspire other municipalities to follow suit, especially as pickleball’s impulsive noise reaches homes closer than ever.

This debate is gaining attention, and USA Pickleball has already introduced noise reduction standards. Some experts argue that courts should be at least 1,000 feet away from neighboring homes, but Ross may opt for more lenient solutions. Nonetheless, this could be the beginning of a pickleball regulation movement that could impact communities across the country.


I was excited for the empty-nest years. Then my husband discovered pickleball


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